Brave new world indeed!

Brave New World - Aldous Huxley

I saw this book EVERYWHERE and in the end, I succumbed and read it. In the end, what a disappointing read it turned out to be. The introduction chapter with the director is long, dull and just plain info-dumping. The dystopian world is definitely not one that I’d want to live in, and to be honest, the plot is a mess. I read without particularly care about what’s going on. There’s simply no joy or laugh to be found here even though it is also a satire novel.

The phrase “everyone belongs to everyone else” is particularly annoying with its endless repeat throughout the book. The writing style fails to capture my interest, the dialogues unengaging, the three main characters unlikable. Lenina is pathetic, Bernard’s insecure, while the Savage is just tragic. There are quite a number of times I just want to abandon this book and never took it up again.

On the bright side, I like the ending; very fitting. I especially like the way the author writes the compass metaphor. Helmholtz and Mustapha Mond are also interesting characters and the reason I read this till the end. Aldous Huxley is a genius to be able to come up with such a outrageous concept of a futuristic/dystopian society.